Aftermarket components and products are produced and sold to consumers in various different markets. It is very common in the consumer technology industry as well as in the automotive industry. Aftermarket products and components / replacement parts usually are an indicator that a certain product is very popular. It is also associated to money savings to the consumer. In the pharmaceutics industry, the term ‘generic’ is often used. Perhaps the latter is not really an aftermarket component in the sense this article is referring to.
Blendtec®, Waring™ MX series of blenders, as well as Vita Mix® blenders are just three blenders from among a few other high performance smoothie blenders, of which a whole ton of are presently in use globally. It is estimated some 100 million of these particular powerful blenders roam the Earth in peoples’ kitchens and restaurants. About 60% of them, according to a study, are not in use. Why they are not in use is not really known. It could be in part a reluctance of user-interest and/or that and being broken down and just never having gotten to it to make a ‘replacement’ attempt of a broken blender blade or jar.
Most people are not very technically inclined. When their jar breaks, or the blade bearing of blade assembly in the jar seizes up, they interpret it as a broken down blender. The blender gets put aside until time and effort is made to make the warranty call, or if the warranty is expired, a new jar is purchased. If the blender is misdiagnosed as dead and broken, not being sure what is bad, time may tell that these high percentage consumers have their ‘broken down’ blender collect dust in storage.
In the case of these blenders, aftermarket components, such as replacement blade assembly cutting
units (the knife, or in other words the blades) will be a money saver and a convenient solution, if only the consumer in possession of the broken down Blendtec or Vitamix blender (or Waring and others – non one brand in particular) would dig into finding out more about alternative replacement parts.
It is however not just about replacing a broken part, in the aftermarket industry. Additional jars offer opportunities to have spare parts for just in case, and an additional container for the purpose of alternating blender jars. The Kosher blending enthusiasts of course always use 2 jars. There are certain advantages to the number 2, two jars in possession rather than just one, especially when they are different. Blending is often better in one jar than in another depending on what one blends up.
The Alterna™ Jar, the aftermarket jar reported on in this article, brings several advantages to the table. Current users have reported an increase in finer blending, smoother concoctions, more thorough emulsification. The actual blending capacity is 80 ounces of ingredients. The jar is also, like the OEM factory containers, a BPA-Free copolyester material, with stainless steel removable blade assembly, and tamper stick accelerator tool available.
The advantages are certainly not always enticing to everyone, for example money savings. Some people may find a Blendtec Fourside replacement container for $60 plus shipping. Why would one purchase an aftermarket non-factory container for $80 including shipping? Those that do, are not buying it for immediate savings, or not for money savings reasons at all. The reason for that is that the old type Blendtec jar is always the same, no improvement with a blade that is just going to break again eventually and a new complete whole jar has to bought again, even if the price is only $60 instead of $80. If that same scenario happens with the Alterna Jar, one would have to simply just purchase a replacement jar for $35, instead of $60 for a new jar by Blendtec. Of course, Alterna has a package deal available for real blender enthusiasts, which is the jar with a blade already installed, plus an extra replacement blade for $99, including shipping.

Let’s assume the Alterna blade goes out at the same time the Blendtec blade would seize up, in the Blendtec jar. At that point the OEM factory enthusiast would have spent $120 while the aftermarket consumer fan spent only $99. But, again, not everybody may be interested in the cost factor issue. The Alterna jar blends better, blends bigger volumes, and is a heavier duty jar overall.
Waring MX series blenders, those that are truly 3.5 horsepower monsters, come with rather inferior blade and jar design. The OEM Waring container has a poor warranty, to one hand. On the other hand, the vertical jar wall goes into the bottom of the jar without curvature straight in a straight 90 degrees. There are numerous reports of poor performance and warranty issues and poor customer service. Plus a 2 Liter replacement jar from Waring costs anywhere from $120 to $160. The Alterna aftermarket container configured for the Waring MX series blenders performs better, hold up better and costs less as well.
Vitamix… ditto to Waring.
In conclusion, aftermarket is not for everyone. OEM has its advantages especially when the blender is still under warranty. In Europe or in Asia, Australia and South America, Blendtec and Vitamix warranties are general between 2 to 4 years maximum. Waring already has a 2 in 1 year warranty in the USA which means 2 year parts and 1 year labor. Costs of replacement jars in non-USA markets are mostly prohibitively expensive. In Brazil a Blendtec Fourside jar is $150 USD and $200 has to be coughed up for a Wildside jar. The same in Europe, the UK, in Australia and all over the Asian Rim.
Those consumers that consider the advantage of aftermarket recognize that aftermarket means that the OEM brands are going to stick around more likely longer, aftermarket components will bring the prices down everywhere, and aftermarket blender containers offer a convenience, a choice, a versatility, especially when this one blender jar actually fits on all, Vitamix, Waring, JTC Omni, Klarstein, Optimum, Omega blenders, and the Blendtec blenders.
Note, how the Alterna Jar sits on the various blenders, straight on Blendtec, and diagonally by 45 degrees on Vita Mix, Waring, and JTC Omni blenders. This is a little different than with any other blender jars, but it works, and is actually mostly designed that way so the same container can be used namely on different blender bases, such as the Blendtec and the Waring kinds.
Pros and Cons, if a blender were still under warranty, and consumer wanted to use the aftermarket Alterna jar, it is most likely assumed that the given factory might tell the consumer that such application is not authorized and will likely void the warranty. If the Blender motor might break, such use opens up the question of whether the jar and the aftermarket blade bearing may have contributed to, or perhaps was the cause of premature motor failure. However, there are several issues to that.
If the blade seizes up on any blender jar, it is the consumer's responsibility to stop using it, replacing the whole jar or the blade assembly from the Alterna jar with removable replaceable blade assembly unit. Plus, who is to say that a given consumer has not already over exerted their blender motor when running the blender motor with a seized up blade unit in their jar for far too long of a time and have not noticed it. Sure, if it can be proven that there is a relationship between the Alterna jar aftermarket container and a broken motor, it would only be fair that warranty is assumed, if there is a warranty. However, in every possible scenario, it should be taken into account, that it just cannot be proven. There are too many variables from abuse to a defect from the blender factory to begin with or simply just heavy normal use and therefore wear and tear having lead to an early natural death of said blender motor. It is simple, anyway, it should be considered to always pay close attention to the condition of the blade assembly and bearing, no matter if the user operates an OEM factory brand blender container or an aftermarket blender jar.
In any case, OEM brand factories should be exited about aftermarket blender jar availability. It is a sign that the market has reached a certain saturation and the brand is here to stay. The consumer views more choices and availability as convenient and as a great advantage, actually and eventually bringing down prices and helping to improve quality.
Copyright 2015 (C) LLC
Blenders from Vita-Mix come along with a tamper accelerator tool, whereas Blendtec and Waring do not offer it. Officially advertised, the blending cycles of Blendtec blenders exclude the need for a tamper accelerator tool, and Waring chooses not to avail one to customers. Certain consumers however find it necessary having a tamper present sometimes. Others prepare their smoothie, purees, nut butters, creams, and soups with intent of using a stirring tamper tool.
While Blendtec is stating as a marketing type method that no tamper is needed, in various cases it is more than handy to have one available because if you do get stuck with your food then it is safer to have one than for example using a fork or spatula to give the ingredients a quick push-down to get the blending motion going.
Different names are assigned to a tamper, relative to its manufacturer, whether from Blendtec, Waring or Vitamix in this case. A majority of individuals refer to it simply as a tamper. This important tool is used for pushing down ingredients to the upper proximity of the blade level, but with some safe distance, to achieve accelerated blending process of content such as raw soup, puree, nut butters, or smoothie. Utilizing an accelerator tool moves ingredients forcefully towards this blade, which rotates at extremely high speeds.
Vita-Mix Accelerator Tool is made from a polycarbonate type plastic comprising a lid hand which closes off the hole formed inside blender container lid while in use. The tool moves freely in and out of the container. Downward action of content creates vacuum action which sucks it into the container as blending takes place. Vita Mix recommends that one use their Accelerator tool throughout the process of blending to expedite the action. Their so-called patented accelerator tools to vacate air pockets are almost needed all the time as per Vita-Mix advertising. But air pockets according to a lawsuit between Vita-Mix and Basic and its follow up appeal confirmed that Vita-Mix however was unable to successfully proof air pockets. One could simply add more water to the ingredients and create the vortex action. But you don’t always want a more liquid concoction.
Certain retro-fitted tamper tools are available in the market. Some blender operators also prefer using a plastic tool or wooden dowel for pushing down towards the blade in rotation to accelerate blending operation. As a result the tamper gets blended up and/or damaged. This could be due to use of an appropriate Accelerator tool with lid in place. If one were not to use a tamper tool appropriately with lid in place, say, for example a fork or knife, or even a hand, pushing down on ingredients that way in high performance blenders could lead to very serious injuries, amputation, and/or damage to the blender units and blades.
Blending Soups and Purees with or without Tamper
When preparing ingredients for smoothies or soups, water is normally added. A tamper may not be necessary to use while blending the content, if sufficient liquid or water is added to the other raw ingredients. A hollow cave area appears just above the blade only when excessive amount of ice is applied for the smoothie process, with the blender cycle turning too fast. Blendtec blenders like the HP3A or Total Blenders are designed with the versatile blending programs it operates, which eliminate the necessity of using a tamper, supposedly. It is “supposedly” because this claim is not always true. There are just too many variables in blending that could be the amount of ingredients, how they are placed, which one first, what consistency they are, what the liquid to solids ratio is, if there are some obstructions like large ice section, and the timing of the blender, the blender motor strength and momentum of turning and starting up, etc. Still, one may require some type of tool to push down the blending ingredients, maybe for stirring, maybe just enough of a push to get the blending action going. Once it is running, meaning you see all the ingredients cycling, the blades will do all the rest of the blending by themselves.
Less amount of liquid is used when preparing a pate or puree in a high-performance blender. One may as well require some form of device for pushing down contents to the blade level. Blendtec especially makes its blenders to operate without needing an accelerator tool or tamper. However, consumers report using cutlery and other equipment to push down the ingredients.
Especially when making nut butters (i.e. Almond butter), a tamper tool is mandatory. The nuts are too heavy and oily, so they are sticky, they just will not freely circulate with the blade turning action. You need to help it to move along and turn over the massive almond puree until it gets oily and is ready for consumption.
The Universal Tamper Accelerator Tool made by Alterna is a great device which fits into any blender jar. Some exceptions exist, like for the Ninja, which lacks the blade construction appropriate for allowing tamper-insertion. The Ninja’s blade is really like an auger that does not let the user insert the tamper. The universality of the Alterna tamper means that it literally can be adjusted and set at different height levels from the area where the tamper is inserted into the jar through the hole in the lid. This adjustability is important to make sure that the tamper will never touch the turning blade during operation when inserted into the jar. Different blender styles and brands have different dimensions from the hole in the lid down to the tip of the blade.
Acetal Delrin, the material employed in making this tamper is approved by FDA “for food contact.” As a precautionary measure, the 2 pieces of flanges (rings) are clamped around the location desired, fitting the tamper in firm manner, the location being the adjustment area that determines the remaining length of the tamper end that is being inserted into the lid cap hole, reaching down towards the blades. This keeps the low tamper-end from touching the blades once inserted through the lid.
The Alterna tamper can fit into Vita-Mix 64 ounce containers, the 32 oz jar, Blendtec Wildside or Fourside, all the Waring and Hamilton Beach blenders, and Kitchenaid, Cusineart, Oster blenders. You name it, if the blender has a jar with a removable lid cap and a regular type blending blade cutting unit, the Universal Tamper come universally adjustable in as a very handy tool. It is apparently better to have it and not need the tamper, than needing it and then using a fork or worse, your hand.
Wood tamper dowels too are becoming quite popular to be used as tampers. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to make when one has a drill machine. Just cut the dowel to length between 8 to 12 inches, usually a dowel with a diameter of 1 inch. Drill in a hole of 3/8” where the appropriate location of the stoppage cross rod should go through to prevent the dowel from entering the jar through the opening in the lid. This cross dowel will prevent the dowel ‘hopefully’ from touching the blades during the blending action. Otherwise, if the wood dowel touches the blades, it will splinter severally making the dowel unusable for future blending actions. Wood also has the likely tendency to absorb water and is therefore very insanitary.
Some people like wood better over plastic, because if by accident one were to blend in untreated wood into ones smoothie, the smoothie would at least still be somewhat edible, subject to one’s appetite. Of course if plastic is blended into a smoothie, you would have to through it all away, for sure. The Acetal Delrin material does not splinter much and therefore unlike with the wood and the completely shattering hollow plastic tamper, Acetal Delrin (POM) is a solid compressed high density material that will be rendered reusable as a tamper stick. From that aspect, and because POM has been used for food processing in food contact for decades, it is an ideal material for the food blending applications as a tamper accelerator tool.

Using blenders from Waring, Vitamix and Blendtec delivers the same gain of blending raw foodstuffs into consumable products. However, each of these has unique features that distinguish their functionality. Alterna jars also introduce an innovative perspective into the blending process. It is necessary to evaluate the distinct characteristics of all the blending equipment above to enable users make the appropriate decision when performing blending operations. Below is an assessment of the various features of Waring MX1000 to MX1500XT high power blender series, Vitamix 5200/6300, and the Blendtec various blenders as well as the Designer Series Blenders.
Waring 3.5 Hp MX1200XT Series Blender
- Shatterproof and heavy-duty plastic material used for creating the lightweight and BPA-free carafe
- Powerful 3.5HP motor and strong stainless-steel blades crush ice, creating frozen cocktails and blending thick and creamy smoothies
- Warranty of two years from Waring
- The electronic keypad membrane is easy to clean with a beautiful blue backlit LCD screen.
- Adjustable speed control provides for variable speed function to allow different type of operations and at different speeds.
- Reprogrammable beverage stations for ease of use on some models.
- Dual pulse functions.
- Debatable 45,000 RPM bare motor speed for powerful and fast crushing operation.
- Price range (MX1000) starting below $300 and going over $700 (MX1500)
- Does not come with a tamper tool, but really could use one. The jar is squared off on bottom from wall to bottom of container area – there is no transition.
Vitamix 5200/6300
- Relatively costly at around $450 to $500, upwards to $600 and $700, depending on the model you buy, and offers basic blender setup, having standard pitcher of 64 ounces – smaller sized jars are available.
- Certified Reconditioned blenders available at lower cost but are not necessarily new.
- Free shipping provided within the US if blender is ordered through a link on most affiliate marketing sites with a coupon code.
- Features 2-peak horsepower motor which spins blade at variable speeds
- 7-year manufacturer’s warranty for residential use and 1 to 2 years for commercial use.
- Highly-versatile and durable blender
- Quite tall at 21 inches with pitcher
- Four-tipped blade that is separate from pitcher (Vitamix has wet, dry, and ice blade options)
- Toggle switch and dial interface offers precise, manual blending control
- Includes tamper tool for pushing down blending contents
Blendtec Designer Series Blender
- Fairly expensive ($500 / $600) with just the basic blender setup offered which comes with 64-ounce standard pitcher
- Factory Recertified blenders available only for Total Blender Classic Series
- Free shipping offered for US orders done via some online resellers
- More power with 3 peak horsepower motor of 1560 watts and high spin-rate (is a marketing driven term)
- Manufacturer’s warranty of up to 7 years available in the USA residential use, Commercial 1 to 2 years in the USA. Europe and Australia have less warranty
- Durable and highly versatile functions
- Relatively short at 15 ½ inches with pitcher and can thus fit under regular kitchen cabinets
- Blade fused to pitcher making it necessary to replace blade alongside pitcher
- Features ‘touch user interface’ and not buttons for control functions
- Lacks tamper but has square-pitcher and special straight-blade design for efficient blending
- Straight, single-prong, wing-tip blade
- No tamper claimed to be necessary. But consumers have repeatedly requested tamper availability – See Universal Tamper.
Advantages of Alterna Jars
- Offers good retrofit on multiple blending machines of high-performance, including those from Vitamix, Blendtec blenders, Waring and JTC Omniblend, few among others
- Sits straight onto Blendtec, and on Vitamix, Omni, Waring 3.5HP and Good4U blenders in angel perpendicular 45 degrees turned
- Gears modified in various dimensions for correct fitting into applicable blenders
- Capable of producing diverse concoctions and blends like smoothies, ice cream, hot soups, sauces, sorbet, purees, rice, paste and broccoli and ice cubes among others. Improves blending quality especially with nut butters, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and other real hard to emulsify ingredients that would otherwise leave visible particles
- Features replaceable blades compatible with Blendtec, Vita-Mix, Omni and Waring blenders
Selecting the correct blade-cutting assembly unit enables users of Alterna jar to achieve convenient blending operations with their blender.
By Alterna Jar (C) 2015
The Alterna Jars are engineered and developed in the USA with the intention to retrofit one and the same container perfectly
on multiple high performance smoothie blending machines. These are all Blendtec blenders, Vitamix(TM), JTC Omniblend, Waring(TM) MX1050XT blenders, and a few others. Blendtec blenders have a different jar base design and normally a Blendtec(R) jar will not fit onto the Vitamix or Omni Blender or Waring blenders (MX Raptor type). And the Vitamix blender jars, Waring, Omni JTC fit all on the other blender base, but they do not fit on the Blendtec blender base, normally.
And so we have designed a container that fits on both of these general blender platforms. The only difference is, you will sit the Alterna jar onto the Blendtec blenders straight, and on Waring, Good4U, etc... blenders in an angel perpendicular 45 degrees turned. The patent-pending design with specifically engineered jar cutouts allow space for the Alterna jar to sit on the Waring rubber blender cushion (and JTC and Vitamix...). The Waring et al blenders turn counter-clockwise and Blendtec turns clockwise, however. And so the blades need to be sharpened on opposite sides and the user who wants to use the Alterna Jar on a Blendtec blender must have the correct Alterna Blade for Blendtec blenders installed while the user who wants to use the Alterna Jar on a Vitamix or Waring or JTC blender, must use the jar with the correct Alterna blade blending assembly for the Waring and JTC et al blenders. The gears are modified in size and dimensions accordingly to fit correctly into the applicable blender.
Note, minimum size of blending capability is 16 ounces and maximum effectiveness is at around 55 ounces to 64 ounces, depending on liquid content ratio to solids. The Alterna Jar is capable of various blends and concoctions such as smoothies, hot soups, ice cream, sorbet, sauces, purees, paste, rice, grain to flour, broccoli, cabbage, avocado pits, ice cubes...
The other patent-pending engineering of this high performance jar set up for perfect Blendtec blender and Waring (et al) blender application is the requirement to elongate the gear - shaft to make room below the jar (jar and gear patent pending) for the bottom plate screw / nut so you can tighten down the changeable replaceable blade unit cutting blending assembly on the Alterna Jar specifically for Blendtec blender applications. Blendtec does not have jars with replaceable blades, but Vitamix and OMNI and Waring however do.
We have noticed on many occasions that customers / blender users would have bought a Blendtec blender but instead bought a Vitamix or JTC Omni blender or Waring MX1050XT blender because Blendtec has a fixed installed blade. The issue is, the blade will wear out (the bearing / bushing, to be exact) and then the blender operator has to purchase a brand new Blendtec jar. Bearing-operated blade assembly cutting units hold up longer than bushing driven blades, because they have better seals and gaskets and harder bearings (bearings are better than bushings). The bearings balls are made from a carbide alloy, the same used for roller skates and blades. And this is a big money savings issue especially for restaurant smoothie shop operators.
No matter if you have a Vitamix, Waring MX XT blender, JTC Omni or Blendtec blender, you can use the same Alterna Jar, however by selecting the correct blade cutting blending assembly unit. Select between the Alterna Blade - Blendtec or Alterna Blade Waring, Waring also fitting on Vitamix, Good4U Raw Power, and JTC Omni Blenders, perhaps others, such as Omega and Centaur blenders.

Disclaimer: We are no longer selling smoothie blenders. The mere fact that our Alterna Jar and it's blades are interchangeable and also fit on various other diverse high power blender brands is not prohibited by law, but not likely supported by it's brand owners. Brand owners may probably do and/or threaten to void warranty, however Alterna will gladly issue warranty coverage over said claimed equipment if it can legitimately be proven that a problem may have been caused by the Altern jar and/or its blade mechanism and its usage, provided it has been used correctly in accordance to our jar and blade maintenance guideline. If a blade has seized up and being used regardless, it can cause potentially to drive socket and/or cause motor damage. The trademarks of Waring, Vitamix, Blendtec, etc... are owned by their applicable owners. The Alterna Jar and Blades are patent pending and trademark registered.
It's an Alterna Blender Jar LLC Company. We provide innovative newly developed Jars, Blades, Tampers, and after-market replacement parts and components for the most popular high performance blender brands (patent pending). These are Blendtec, Waring, Good4U, JTC Omniblend, to name a few most popular ones, among others. Our Alterna Jar, as the name already says, is the best replacement alternative for Blendtec blender containers, which features our patent pending US engineered and assembled exchangeable interchangeable and replaceable blade assembly blending cutting unit. Our Alterna Cutting Units are made from the highest grade materials and seals to provide longevity and versatile blending options from wet, dry, ice, grain, powder, drink, juice, smoothie, shake, puree, sauce, butters, hot soup, and ice cream textures; all-in-one blade assembly as well as specialty knives.
Blender operators can use the same Alterna Jar that fits on Blendtec blenders also on their Vitamix, JTC OmniBlend,
Waring MX1050XT blenders (and all other Waring MX1000XT, MX1100XT, MX1200XT, MX1300XT, MX1500XT and Good4U Raw Power Commercial 3.5 HP blenders), by switching out the blade cutting unit (because they turn in opposite direction and the gear size is different). The same jar, although the various blenders are designed with different size blender bases for their proprietary jars, just needs to be turned by 45 degrees to sit perfectly onto the various high performance blender base (patent pending filed).
This is the best website where you will find versatility and make-sense after-market retrofit inventions for consumer and smoothie business operators. We offer low prices for our quality products and give our consumers and authorized global resellers the opportunity to add value to their equipment and their pocket book.
The Orem Utah Blendtec company makes great blenders. They are very powerful blenders and blend efficiently. Blendtec blenders themselves will outlast their jars and blades by many years. Blendtec blenders are commonly known for its high quality textured blending. Tom Dickson, the CEO of the company, is well-known to blend up ipods, phones and rocks or diamonds with his successful "Will-it-Blend" blending presentations posted on Youtube. Blendtec's latest jar success is the twister jar; before it was the wildside container and the regular fourside jar.
The wildside jar used to be known as the 5-side jar or 3 quart jar. It surely has 5 patented sides, but it was never really or
truly a 3 quart 96 ounces container. The blades, there are 2 knives, one on each side of the axle, are dull and turn counter-clockwise. If the blade bushing, note - it does not have bearings- wears out and seizes up, users have to replace the entire complete jar. This is because the blade assembly unit is fix installed and cannot be removed or exchanged like with the famous Vita-Mix design. Vita-Mix and Blendtec are arch rivals when it comes to tamper usage and application and removable exchangeable blades versus fix-installed blades. Vita-Mix also turns the blade counter-clockwise and their blades are sharped.
A Blendtec fourside jar runs about 70 to 80$ dollars, a Blendtec wildeside jar runs about $95 to $110 dollars. Vitamix blade assemblies cost about $ 65 to $70 dollars while their jar complete with blade is exorbitantly 150$ dollars expensive. These are USA prices. In other markets such as Australia or Brazil, Blendtec Jars are at least twice as expensive as here in the USA and Vitamix jars cost at least 50% plus over the US.
If you have a Blendtec blender as a consumer with a US 7 year warranty (Europe for example provides a 3 year Total Blender Blendtec warranty), while still on warranty, if you happen to experience a blade bearing / bushing seizing up, Blendtec is usually very accommodating (Not in Europe, Brazil or Australia though). Just give them a call, if you can, and they will send you a new container if your initial blender purchase is still under warranty, of course. If your warranty has expired, you are looking at having to purchase a new jar. With Vitamix you just buy a new blade and swap that out. This is one of the reasons why many consumers and shop operators buy the Vita-Mix type (also the Warring or Omni) blenders in the first place.
Restaurant or commercial use warranty of Blendtec Blenders is in the US 1 year. Restaurants use the jars more than ten thousand times per year. Therefore the blade bushing wears out faster in a restaurant / commercial application over a household consumer usage. Go to for example your local restaurant equipment supply store where restaurant and smoothie shop operators usually buy their equipment and restaurant supply from and ask them what the biggest draw-back for Blendtec blenders is. They will tell you that many of their commercial customers go through a lot of Blendtec jars every year because you cannot switch out the blade assembly. This is very expensive for these business people because they have to buy all whole new complete jars every time.
Now, this is the question that we propose -and we have already the solution for it as well: What if consumers and commercial operators could purchase a Blendtec blender container that has a better and removable / replaceable or exchangeable blade unit cutting assembly? What if there was an alternative jar and blade solution to the Blendtec blender smoothie application? What if the blade bearing were to wear out for example, and instead of having to buy a whole new jar, you could just replace the blade assembly for your Blendtec blender, just like you could do with your Vitamix?
To take it a step further, Alterna Blender Jars and Blades makes one and the same blender container to fit on Blendtec blenders, also to fit on Waring MX1050XT (and alike 3.5 hp extreme blenders), on the JTC Omni Blender, and Vita-Mix alike type blenders (also the Good4U)... just swap out the blade for the different direction and different size of gear.
Blendtec jars and blenders do not come with tampers. Vitamix blenders however do. Alterna makes a universal tamper specifically for the Alterna jar for your Blendtec blender application.