
How to make Almond Butter with the Omni Blender (4 VIDEOS) December 09 2013

Please view the 4 videos, simple instructions and demonstration of how well the Omni Blender enables the user to make almond butter. Make sure you have the OMNI Tamper Stick that is from the grip area down to the tip 6 - 3/4 inches long. If you have the shorter former 'older style' Omni Tamper Stick, it might be little too short to do the job as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email at, or by phone: 801-623-3225. Please go to our website to learn more about the OMNI Blender.






(c) 2013 OmniBlender.COM LLC

Top 4 Myths about Weight Loss November 16 2013

Weight loss continues to be a hot topic in the US and UK, as increasing numbers of people battle weight gain and look for a solution that will allow them to maintain a healthy weight for the long term. Fads and false claims appear to be a natural outcome in the field of weight loss, and some myths have surfaced on the internet that should be called into question and debunked with facts.


#1 Carbohydrates make you put on weight


Most healthy people can apply a simple formula to lose excess weight: burn more calories than you take in each day. In order to accomplish this, of course, food choices are important. That means eliminating the carbohydrates that give you empty calories such as white flour, refined sugar, and foods that have been processed to the point that they lack any nutritional value.


With that said, the body does need carbohydrates for energy. The trick is to choose foods that give you good carbohydrates while also contributing to your nutritional requirements. In this category you’ll find raw vegetables that are both green and leafy, sweet potatoes, fruit with the peel, and nuts. Be sure to choose whole grains when buying bread and rice.


Good carbohydrate fruits and vegetables that are low on the glycemic index, such as the ones mentioned above, are ideal ingredients in raw smoothies.


#2 Avoid eating nuts because they are fattening


While nuts are calorically dense, they also are a great source of protein, fiber and the kind of fat that offers heart attack protection. If nuts are consumed as a replacement for other high-protein foods, then eating a serving a day will not add additional calories. The varieties that have been recognized by the FDA as heart healthy include peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, and some types of pine nuts, pistachios, pecans and almonds.


Nuts can be sprinkled in smoothies, or you can use a coffee bean grinder to reduce the nuts to fine granules that can be added to any smoothie to further boost the nutrients.


#3 Low-fat and fat free products have less calories


The terms low fat and fat free often get confused with low calorie. It is the saturated and trans fats that we want to limit, but the number of calories may still be high depending on the food item in question. Portion size and the contribution that a food source makes to your overall daily recommendation are two important considerations. Examples of high calorie low fat foods that can provide a nutritional punch include potatoes, beans, whole grain bread, fruit juice and rice.


Build your diet around these low fat high calorie foods and let them take the place of the high-fat, high calorie foods that you were used to in the past. Beans can be used easy in soups and dips you may make with your high performance blender.


#4 Natural herbal products are harmless and make you lose weight


Supplements are all the rage on the internet, and there are several doctors who have turned their talents toward creating over-the-counter treatments for everything from eyestrain to bone health. The caution here is that supplements in the US are not approved through the FDA, so the actual ingredients and the manufacturing process can remain a mystery to consumers even after the product reaches the shelves.


The word “natural” may be anything but truly natural. Before buying supplements from sources outside of the traditional medical community, find out about where the supplements are made. Look into the track record for the company and read as many reviews as you can before making a purchase.


Some products may help you lose weight initially, but it could be only water weight. Remember that all successful weight loss is due to the right balance of exercise and nutrition over time.


Claims of weight loss made in articles and ads on internet sites should be met with healthy skepticism.  Web MD** and the Mayo Clinic*** websites are good places to visit to when you are looking for answers and health facts.    



**Web MD:

***Mayo Clinic:

(C) 2013


Can Smoothies and Supplements Promote Healthy Bones? October 30 2013

Calcium smoothieIt seems that there are virtually thousands of supplements and ingredients on the market that claim to protect against nearly every imaginable ailment and affliction. To add to this confusion, websites selling supplements are coming online at an incredibly fast rate. If you are looking for the right supplements for bone health, a good place is a basic list of vitamins and minerals, the proper daily dosage based on age, and how you can derive the most benefit from them.  ...Or, you could try a concoction of your own... A Calcium Smoothie?


Facts about Bones


Bones are very much like tissue in the body, and they are changing all the time as cells die and are replaced. The aging process does place a premium on the importance of keeping bones strong to prevent osteoporosis and loss of bone mass. While age is related to bone mass in women, healthy bones can be maintained with proper levels of calcium, vitamin D and protein. The amount of physical activity and the exposure to environmental risks such as smoking and alcohol consumption also affect bone health.


During childhood bone mass grows and in adulthood the rate of new growth and the rate of bone mass decline are about equal. After menopause, however, women will begin to experience loss of bone mass. Men who are over 50 years of age also lose bone mass but at a rate that is half that of women.

The Calcium Connection to Vitamin D


If you take calcium supplements, it is necessary to have vitamin D in sufficient quantities for the calcium to be absorbed. A person whose blood test shows a vitamin D deficiency will need to take supplements or make dietary changes to protect the body’s skeletal structure.  


One way to assure that you get the daily allowance of calcium and vitamin D is to use fortified dairy milk or almond milk when you make raw smoothies. For example, eight ounces of almond milk provides 45% of the calcium and 25% of the vitamin D required on average in a day. Vitamin D is added to fortified diary milk in the US to help consumers meet the recommended dietary allowance (RDA).


Are There Risks to Calcium Supplements?


According to an article published by the Daily Mail on July 30, 2010, results of a study that appeared on the British Medical Journal’s website suggested that women who take calcium supplements may be at an increased risk of suffering a heart attack. Researchers concluded that the supplements, which were 500mg or greater, contributed to the hardening of arteries. However, the researchers determined that those who consumed a high amount of calcium through diet were not at the same risk. Another caveat to mention is that patients who were baking supplements of both calcium and vitamin D were not included in the study.


What conclusion can be drawn from this study? Women who are postmenopausal should make sure that they get enough vitamin D and calcium through fortified milk, grains and yogurt. Yogurt is a healthy base to use when making raw smoothies in your high performance blender.


Protein and Bone Health


  1. Better Bones website that older adults who have suffered a hip fracture have better post-surgical outcomes if they have the right amount of protein in their blood system.  She notes that they have fewer complications and tend to stay in the hospital for a shorter time.  While too little protein can be dangerous, we are more likely in the US to suffer the consequences of too much protein, which can lead to the loss of vital minerals and the undermining of bone health.


There is a complex set of variables in diet that can influence how well an older person recovers from fractures and there is little evidence that protein levels alone make a difference one way or the other. Generally, though, medical experts agree that protein does not build bone. It does help to build muscles and keep tissues and organs healthy.


While calcium and vitamin D supplements can help promote healthy bone mass in people who are more than 50 years old, it is best to discuss concerns with your doctor before starting on a new regimen. Making raw smoothies with ingredients that provide the right amounts of calcium and vitamin D is a good alternative to supplements.


Calcium Smoothie

½ cup cilantro

½ cup baby spinach leaves

2 oranges

2 regular size carrots

1 cup of water


Blend for about 30 to 45 seconds in a 3 horsepower blender.




Author Thomas Fox (C) 2013 - for OMNIBLEND