I could be talking about healthy foods this time. But what our business is really about is healthy equipment so you can blend up your healthy foods. You have already a great blender, either that being a Blendtec, Vita Mix, Waring, or an Omni blender.
Blenders don’t easily break, but the blades and jars wear out. Sometimes blades wear quicker. So let’s go over a few things to help you extend the life of your blender blades and jars, regardless of what brand of a blender you have.
Problems and solutions (most common) that could arise during blending:
- Blade bearings (and bushings) can seize up - Rinse and dry by hand only
- Jars can crack - Keep bottom plate tightened
- If you blend heavy low-water-content ingredients (puree) you can get temporarily stuck or have a little delay getting the vortex / swirling of the smoothie miracle going - Use a tamper or when blending smoothies, make sure the solids to water ratio is right for the vortex
Problem 1: When you over-expose a blade bearing of your blender jar to water too much, water gets
into the blade assembly housing and will wash out grease. You will see rust powder coming out on the bottom end of the blade assembly at the gear seal. This leads to damage to the bearings which then will not turn smoothly anymore. Bearings are getting hot already when they are in good condition. They become much louder and hotter when there is more friction due to bad bearings. This will lead to oil exit on the bottom outside of the where the gear sticks out of the blender container. When the blade seizes it can also transfer energy to the drive socket and snap it or strip it (Drive socket is on the blender motor).
With the Blendtec blender jars (Wildside, Fourside, Twister), as the picture above left indicates, the
blades are permanent fix installed. If that breaks, you cannot just change the blade assembly, but you have to change the entire jar. There is a big advantage if you have a jar with a removable blade assembly because you just change the blade – see to the right – if you run into a problem. That said, there are in both cases preventative solutions that can help you preserve the blade assembly bearing and help you get more usage out of it
Solution 1: Always wash or rinse the blender jar by hand and then dry by hand to limit water exposure. For additional sanitizing, use a non-caustic water-diluted spray on sanitizing solution to briefly apply to the inside of the jar. Don’t leave jar in sink with water puddle or wash in dishwasher. If your blade has seized up, or shows signs of seizing (roughness of turning, noisier blending, smoke / smell), replace the blade right away to prevent further damage to the driver socket.
Problem 2: Jars, if they do crack, they mostly crack on the very bottom around the hole where the
blade assem
bly inserted into the jar. This occurs mostly when the blade assembly is starting to seize up or has already seized and you keep blending with it and in addition the bottom plate may not be completely tight, or tight enough.
Solution 2: Make sure the blade assembly works well and there is no rust around the gear. If there is and/or you experience leakage on the bottom, immediately remove the blade assembly and inspect the jar and the blade. Replace the blade if the jar is still good. Or else replace the whole jar with blade. We do have new better working blending jars with sharp efficient advanced blending knives. Frequently check the bottom plate to see if you can manage turning it clockwise to tighten it, to make sure it stays tightened.
Problem / Solution 3: Simple, if you get stuck or your blender has a hard time getting the ingredients blended or started up, either add more liquid, or if liquid is not part of your recipe, use a tamper stick specifically designed for the use with your blender jar. In our case, we have a Univers
al Tamper that can be adjusted to work with any blender jar, from Blendtec to Waring or Hamilton Beach. Make sure you use the tamper to push down on ingredients with the flanges positioned correctly to avoid touching the blades and only inserting the tamper through the lid hole with the cap removed, the lid on the jar, of course.
If your Universal tamper accidentally touches the blade knives during blending, this is not a serious problem for the tamper. The material is a food grade FDA approved material, but it is not edible. You will lose your smoothie. But you can save the tamper with sand paper and/or a saw. The Universal Tamper is solid.
If the flang
es come apart, use tape to secure the flanges. If you use a wooden tamper it will splinter into oblivion unfortunately and if you use a tamper made with injection molding plastic, it will break and not be usable anymore. If you do not have a tamper, I suggest you get one, even if think you never need one or needed one before. It takes only one time of difficult blending when you lose your hand or your fork. Never insert a fork, knife, or spoon into your blender jar during blending to push down on ingredients.
Even blenders made to work well without the use of a tamper need a push every now and then. And if you have a blender from a factory that recommends regular usage of a tamper to eliminate their air pocket, you will find,
with the right solid – to – liquid ratio, you do not need to use the tamper.
Please check out our new Alterna Jars, sharp blades, advanced finer better smoother blending, interchangeable between Blendtec – Vita Mix – Waring – Omni, etc… blending volume of 80 ounces. Now available with a $10 OFF discount. Use Coupon code $10AlternaOFF (use with purchase $80 and up – good till supply lasts and/or subject to be discontinued without notice)
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by phone 801-623-3225 or by email customerservice@alternajar.com.
Thomas Fox
Health conscious humans put credence in smoothies they create for themselves, firmly believing that these blended drinks provide superior nutrition for their bodies and they’re right. When smoothies are made in a high performance blender fruits, vegetables and other plants are broken down finely enough to release the powerful phytonutrients hidden beneath the plant’s cellulose. Those valuable phytonutrients are essential building blocks of a strong immunity.
Humans aren’t the only ones who reap the benefits of smoothies. Dogs love the nutrient rich concoctions as well. You can make green smoothies, fruit smoothies, or protein smoothies to pump up your dog’s health. There are medleys of ingredients that work well in smoothies for pooches but there are some elements you should never feed your pets. After all, the objective is to improve your dog’s health, not harm it.
Foods You Should Never Feed Dogs
The following foods should not be fed directly to your four-legged friends nor should they be added to smoothies that they will be consuming.
Grapes and Raisins
As juicy and flavorful as grapes are and as much as many of us like raisins, dogs should not eat them. We don’t really know why but these fruits can cause kidney failures in canines. One of the early symptoms of grape or raisin poisoning is recurrent vomiting and within 24 hours the dog will begin acting depressed and lethargic. Don’t leave grapes laying on the table or the counter or anywhere else your dog may be able to reach them.
Some dogs don’t digest milk well and it may cause them to suffer from diarrhea or other digestive disturbances. Milk and milk-based products are also substances that some dogs are allergic to and it will cause intense itching. As tempting as it is to share your ice cream with your pooch on a hot summer day, resist it, for your dog’s sake.
Macadamia Nuts
As few as six macadamia nuts can cause severe reactions in dogs. Symptoms include paralysis or weakness in the hindquarters, vomiting, muscle tremors, increased heart rate and an elevated temperature.
A large enough amount of caffeine will kill a dog. There isn’t any known antidote so once a dog suffers a caffeine overdose its chances of recovery are slim. The symptoms include rapid breathing, restlessness, muscle tremors, heart palpitations, bleeding, and fits. Caffeine can be found in coffee beans or grounds, colas, chocolate, cocoa, teas, and energy drinks. It’s also in some medicines and cold treatments which, of course, should always be kept out of reach of pets.
Onions and Garlic
Garlic and onions in any of its forms may cause damage to your dog’s red blood cells resulting in anemia. The occasional small dose may not cause problems but any large amount or regular consumption may be harmful. Signs your dog may be anemic include listlessness, lack of interest in food, vomiting, weakness, and breathlessness.
The jury is still out on avocado but we recommend that you err on the side of safety. Persin, a substance found in the fruit, seeds, and leaves of avocados, may be toxic to dogs when consumed in large quantities so keep your pet on an avocado free diet.
Raw Eggs
Uncooked eggs are sources of bacteria like E coli and Salmonella. It also hampers the absorption of Vitamin B which can lead to skin and coat issues. So it’s best to ignore the old farmer’s advice about giving your dog a raw egg a day to make his coat shiny.
As you may know, chocolate is toxic to dogs. Dark chocolate and baker’s chocolate are the most harmful but every type contains theobromine, an agent harmful to canines. Symptoms of excess theobromine can include diarrhea, vomiting, and extreme thirst, tremors, seizures, irregular heart rhythm, and even death.
Nutmeg and Mace
Although humans find this spice a tasty addition to holiday favorites, smoothies and baked goods, it’s dangerous for your dog. Nutmeg poisoning symptoms include central nervous problems, tremors, seizures, and death.
Pits and Seeds of Fruits
Apples, pears, peaches, plums, and other fruits are good for your pet but the pits and seeds are not. Not only can they cause a digestive obstruction, many of these also contain cyanide. Don’t restrict your dog from fruits; just make sure to avoid the seeds and pits.
There are numerous other foods that your dog shouldn’t eat but you most likely wouldn’t put in a smoothie to improve health. Some of those include salt, sugar, fat trimmings, bones, baking soda, baking powder, and alcohol. These may cause problems ranging from pancreatitis to obesity to death.
Even though you love your dog like family, it’s best not to always feed him like family. Here’s a tasty treat for Fido that has only healthy ingredients. I just whip this up in my JTC Omniblend and in moments I have a tasty, wholesome treat my dogs love.
Orange Doggie Delight Smoothie
½ c. low-sodium chicken stock
½ c. cooked sweet potato
4-5 baby carrots
3 Tbs. pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)
A few ice cubes
Emulsify all ingredients in a three horsepower blender and freeze in ice cube trays

(c) 2014 OmniBlender.COM LLC
Have you ever noticed your dog eating grass? It may strike you as odd to see your dog grazing on greens like a cow, but their instincts are telling them they need something found in green matter. You can help them satisfy that craving by supplementing their diet with the addition of nutritious fruits and vegetables. By creating quick, inexpensive green smoothies for your dogs, you’ll provide them with numerous health advantages and a treat they’ll love.
Benefits of Giving Your Dog Green Smoothies
Just like humans dogs need a healthy, balanced diet. Unfortunately, many commercial foods fail to provide the best nourishment. Many manufactured dog foods contain corn, wheat, and soy but those are not very digestible and often irritate food allergies. They also add a lot of unessential calories to a dog’s diet and contribute to obesity. Choose a kibble that is grain free then give it a boost with the addition of green smoothies.
Fruits and vegetables help build your dog’s immunity and ward off illnesses. Because they provide potent vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, particularly when they are raw, green vegetables are a great way to help your dog stay healthy. They are a rich source of Vitamins A, C, E, and K and fiber, calcium, and protein. Like you, your dog is susceptible to colds, flu, and other illnesses. Why not head off those problems with a daily dose of prevention?
Green smoothies also aid digestion, though because dogs have a short digestive tract fruits and vegetables you give your pet are best served in the form of a smoothie to aid the absorption of the nutrients. The best way to do this is to use a 3 horsepower blender powerful enough to break down the cellular walls of the vegetables to release the potent phytonutrients trapped inside. That is where the real nutrition lies.
Another benefit of green smoothies for dogs includes improved skin and coat. After just a couple of weeks of enjoying green smoothies you’ll notice your dog’s coat has taken on a brilliant sheen and feels softer and more luxurious. This is a result of the extra vitamins and the added hydration smoothies add to your dog’s diet.
Exercise is also important to your dog’s wellbeing and green smoothies will boost their energy levels so they feel more like running and playing. Dogs who lack energy wind up overweight, uncomfortable, and bored. They’ll always feel up to taking a run with you when you make sure they get the right diet to energize them.
How to Make Green Smoothies for Dogs
Green smoothies for both humans and dogs traditionally contain about 40% green vegetables and 60%fruit. You can follow a recipe or get creative and make up your own. Many recipes are designed to be enjoyed by people and animals alike or you can add some special ingredients to please the canine palate. Those might include items like low sodium chicken, beef, or turkey stock or the addition of some lean meat.
It only takes a couple of minutes to whip up a batch of smoothies but the benefits last a lifetime. It really is as simple as throwing the ingredients in your high performance blender (I prefer the Omniblend) and letting it whir away. There’s no cooking and cleanup only takes a minute. Isn’t your fur baby worth it?
Here’s a recipe that both the dogs and their humans will enjoy.
Green Smoothies to Share with Your Dog
2 cucumbers
2 apples, peeled and sliced (be sure to avoid getting any seeds in the mix)
3 stalks celery
2 handfuls baby spinach
Several kale leaves
½ cup parsley
½ cup fresh or frozen strawberries
1 cup crushed ice
Blend in high power blender until smooth and enjoy.
Please view the 4 videos, simple instructions and demonstration of how well the Omni Blender enables the user to make almond butter. Make sure you have the OMNI Tamper Stick that is from the grip area down to the tip 6 - 3/4 inches long. If you have the shorter former 'older style' Omni Tamper Stick, it might be little too short to do the job as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email at lifestyle@123vita.com, or by phone: 801-623-3225. Please go to our website www.3blenders.com to learn more about the OMNI Blender.
(c) 2013 OmniBlender.COM LLC
Can Vitamins and Antioxidants Improve Eye Health?
After recently released study results, doctors are beginning to pay attention to their patients’ vitamin D levels and ask them more questions about eye health. Researchers are finding that when vitamin D as well as other vitamins, minerals and foods rich in antioxidants are present in sufficient amounts, the risk of blindness is reduced. Smoothies made with ingredients for proper nutrition can keep your eyes healthy in later years.
The two main causes of blindness in the elderly are age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Studies published by the Archives of Ophthalmology and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed a link between nutrients and eye health.
Antioxidants and Protection Against Cataracts
A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye and can result in blindness if not treated. Current medical technology allows those with cataracts to undergo an operation that removes the clouded lens and replaces it with an artificial one.
Although surgery procedures have become routine and most people with cataracts can be treated on an outpatient basis, it is better to take steps to reduce the risk of getting them in the first place. One study that was published in June 2008 by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the combination of antioxidants lessened the cataract risks of 2,400 older adult subjects.
Fruits and vegetables have been rated on the degree to which they function as an effective antioxidant. The standard measurement is called the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), and the chart below lists raw fruits and vegetables that have a high ORAC score (see below). All of these foods can be used to make raw smoothies, soups or sauces in your high performance blender.
Red bell pepper
Dark grapes
The macula is the central point of vision in the retina. Macular degeneration is a progressive disease characterized by a dying off of light sensing cells, which eventually results in blindness. There is no medical treatment available that will reverse the disease process of macular degeneration at this time. Of the men and women in the United States who are 40 years old or older, 15 million are said to have some degree of age-related macular degeneration.
One study conducted by the University of Buffalo’s School of Public Health*** found that women younger than 75 with above average vitamin D levels had a decreased risk for age-related macular degeneration. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is 400 IU up to age 18, 800 IU for ages 19 through 50, and 1200 IU for those over 50 years of age.
Unlike the water-soluble B and C vitamins, vitamin D is fat-soluble and can collect in the liver and tissues. While the skin when exposed to sunlight absorbs some amount of vitamin D, this method alone will probably not provide the recommended daily dosages. Dietary adjustments need to be made to reach the recommended allowance.
You can find out what whether your vitamin D intake is sufficient through a simple blood test. Many lab forms used by doctors to order these tests include a place to indicate that vitamin D assessment is necessary. Doctors consider that someone with less than 30 nanomoles of vitamin D per liter of serum is deficient.
If you want to increase your intake of vitamin D to protect your eyes, try including these foods in your diet: canned tuna, herring, salmon, dairy milk, almond milk, orange juice with vitamins added, and fortified cereals. Follow smoothie recipes that use milk or orange juice and whip up a few in your smoothie blender each day to increase your vitamin D level.
A healthy diet throughout life that includes raw fruits and vegetables can keep you seeing clearly in your older years. The antioxidant benefits of berries together with the vitamin D advantages of dairy milk or fortified orange juice is a recipe for delicious smoothies and healthy eyes.
(C) 2013 OmniBlender.COM LLC